
Confidently control your nutrition

with the macro tracker that adapts to your metabolism

2K reviews
2.2K reviews
Phone shows MacroFactor's dashboard in dark mode.
MacroFactor screens on four phones show Weight Trend, Dashboard, the Check-In Strategy page, and Expenditure.

Lose weight, gain muscle, maintain results

Smart nutrition coach adapts to your metabolism

MacroFactor uses a dynamic algorithm to adapt to changes in your metabolism and personalize your macro plan to keep you on track.

Fastest food logger on the market

MacroFactor has the fastest food logging workflows on the market. Logging a food takes fewer taps in MacroFactor than in any other app, and all foods have been verified for accuracy.

Evidence-based recommendations

MacroFactor's algorithms and recommendations are based on proven nutrition and behavioral science.

Phone shows MacroFactor's Strategy page, displaying 1 day until check in.

The product press

label scanner announcement

Scan Nutrition Labels to Track Foods Faster

MacroFactor just added a label scanner to its food logging suite so you can create and track new foods effortlessly. No more back and forth to input nutrition facts – simply scan and go!

The 2023 MacroFactor Annual Report

In our Annual Report, we reflect on the improvements made to MacroFactor in its second year, and provide a sneak peek at the development we’re planning for Year 3 and beyond.

The 2023 MacroFactor Annual Report

In our Annual Report, we reflect on the improvements made to MacroFactor in its second year, and provide a sneak peek at the development we’re planning for Year 3 and beyond.

In-depth articles

Crafting Environments to Support Your New Habits

Crafting Environments to Support Your New Habits 

This article concludes our five-part series by examining the impact of environments on our habits. We delve into everyday settings — from home to office — and their potential to either foster or hinder habit goals.

Creating routines to help habits stick

Daily Routines for Successful Habits

This fourth article in our series explores how to structure daily routines to improve habit efficiency. It offers essential tips on habit stacking, utilizing rewards, and minimizing friction in day-to-day living.

Mechanics of Habits

How to Form (or Break) a Habit

In the third installment of our series on habits, we explore the technical mechanisms and essential principles underlying habit conditioning. We trace the cycle from goal setting to habit formation, providing in-depth guidance and insights on effectively leveraging these processes to cultivate (or break) habits.

MacroFactor featured images

Why Are Habits Hard to Change?

In the second installment of our series on habits, we delve into the complexities of habit formation, uncovering the interplay between intentions and behavior change. Exploring five key barriers, this article sheds light on why creating lasting habits is such a formidable challenge.


The MacroFactor Knowledge Base contains helpful how-tos, answers to FAQs, and explanations of the app's unique features.


The MacroFactor public roadmap shows our plans for new features and improvements. We welcome your feature requests here too!


The MacroFactor groups are a great place to ask and answer questions and connect with a likeminded and supportive community.

Phone shows MacroFactor's goal progress waterfall chart

Reach your diet goals with MacroFactor

Join 120,000 users and confidently control your nutrition with MacroFactor. Download and start your free trial to get your custom macro plan and food logging access today.

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