
Smart nutrition coach

Reach your diet goals with MacroFactor's custom macro programs, dynamic weekly adjustments, and personalized recommendations

macrofactor's nutrition coach

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Personalized nutrition plans and dynamic coaching recommendations

Take a closer look at how MacroFactor's nutrition coach works

telling MacroFactor's nutrition coach your preferred diet

Step 1

Answer a few questions

Tell us about your lifestyle, goals, food preferences, and training demands.

custom macro program from MacroFactor's nutrition coach

Step 2

Get your program

MacroFactor will recommend custom calorie and macronutrient targets for you based on your goals and the latest science.

log your weight and nutrition to get weekly updates from MacroFactor's nutrition coach

Step 3

Log your weight and nutrition

Take a few minutes per day to log your weight and the foods you eat, so MacroFactor can calculate your energy expenditure and caloric needs with even greater precision.

check in weekly to get updates from MacroFactor's nutrition coach

Step 4

Check in weekly to get smart macro plan updates

MacroFactor makes adjustments to your calorie and macro recommendations each week based on how your body is responding.

Tell us your goal, and the app will design a macro plan to get you there

MacroFactor’s intuitive macro program wizard will help you customize your plan based on your goal, dietary preferences, exercise experience, and more.

Set goals to gain, maintain, or lose weight​

you can edit your goal any time with MacroFactor's nutrition coach

Set goals to gain, maintain, or lose weight

Customizing your goal, tracking your progress, and gleaning insights from your data is easy with MacroFactor.

  • Customize your goal: Once you’ve chosen the type of goal you are pursuing, you can set a target weight and customize the rate at which you’d like to gain or lose weight. MacroFactor will provide a preview of your calorie target and give an ETA for goal completion.
  • Review your goal history: You can easily browse details of your past goals – including information on what type of goal you pursued, the start and end dates of that goal period, and how your weight changed during that time.
  • Change your goal any time: If your plans change, you can set a new goal and macro program any time. Creating a new goal or program doesn’t result in any data loss. 

Let the app design a plan for you, or choose to take full control

MacroFactor has three unique program styles for you to choose from when setting up your Macro Program.

  • Coached: MacroFactor designs a calorie and macro program based on your goal and preferences.
  • Collaborative: Set your own macro targets, and MacroFactor will adjust your calorie budget based on your goal and progress. 
  • Manual: Set your own macro and calorie target using manual entry.

Let the app design a plan for you, or choose to take full control

choose the program style that works for you

Customize your macronutrient split based on diet preferences​

setting up your preferred diet with MacroFactor's nutrition coach

Customize your macronutrient split based on diet preferences​

MacroFactor has four macro split styles for you to choose from.

  • Balanced: Standard distribution of carbohydrates and fat.
  • Low Fat: Fat is reduced to prioritize carb and protein intake. 
  • Low Carb: Carbs are reduced to prioritize fat and protein intake.
  • Keto: Carbs are very restricted to allow for higher fat intake.

Fuel your training

Nutrition plays an important role in maximizing exercise performance. MacroFactor enables you to make macro plan adjustments based on your activity levels, fueling preferences, and protein needs.

  • Tell us about your training: Do you lift weights or do cardio? MacroFactor will use this information to adjust your macro recommendations based on the type of exercise you’re doing.
  • Tailor your protein targets: You can choose from four options within an optimal, evidence-based range: Low, Moderate, High, or Extra High. 
  • Shift more calories to training days: You’ll have the option to shift extra calories to specific days of the week (such as training days), while staying within your weekly calorie budget.

Fuel your training

MacroFactor's nutrition coach takes your activity levels into account when designing your macro program

Stay on track with weekly check-ins and macro plan adjustments

During your weekly check-in, MacroFactor’s smart algorithms will suggest changes to your nutrition targets to keep you on track toward your weight gain, weight loss, or weight maintenance goal.

  • Your weekly targets will help you gain or lose weight at your desired rate, based on everything the app knows about you at the time it makes its recommendations.
  • Each week you use the app, it gathers more information about your unique metabolism.
  • Then, during each check-in, MacroFactor fine-tunes your macro plan based on updated information from the prior weeks.

For example: If you hit a plateau and are no longer losing weight at your preferred rate, MacroFactor will lower your calorie target and update your macro plan to keep you on track with your goal. Conversely, if you’re losing weight faster than your preferred rate, MacroFactor will increase your calorie target.

Stay on track with weekly check-ins and macro plan adjustments ​

How it works: MacroFactor uses a unique energy expenditure calculation and all of the weight and nutrition information you log to personalize your calorie intake targets, much like a nutrition coach would.

  • MacroFactor’s energy expenditure calculator continually updates your expenditure estimate, adapts to changes in your metabolism, and provides high-quality data to the app’s coaching algorithms.

When you set up a new goal, MacroFactor looks at the rate at which you’d like to gain or lose weight, converts that rate of weight gain or loss to the size of the calorie surplus or deficit it represents, and adds or subtracts that figure from your daily energy expenditure. 

Once a goal is locked in, week-to-week adjustments move in concert with changes in your energy expenditure.

MacroFactor's energy expenditure calculator shows a dynamic, updating estimate of your TDEE

MacroFactor's best-in-class energy expenditure calculator

Learn more about MacroFactor’s expenditure feature and how it informs our smart coaching recommendations.

Build momentum and sustainable habits with a nutrition coaching system that doesn't require perfect adherence

With MacroFactor, you don’t have to eat like a robot, and you’ll never be shamed for the choices you make.

MacroFactor’s calculations and adjustments are based on what you actually did, not what you were “supposed” to do.

Unlike other nutrition coach apps, you don’t have to perfectly adhere to your daily or weekly targets to get evidence-based adjustments to your macro plan.

Build momentum and sustainable habits with a nutrition coaching system that doesn't require perfect adherence​

MacroFactor’s nutrition coaching functionality is based around its energy expenditure calculation, which is what allows it to be “adherence-neutral.”

  • Adherence neutral just means your nutrition coach can still make timely, appropriate adjustments to help you continue pursuing your goals, even if you don’t perfectly stick to your diet.

MacroFactor can estimate your energy expenditure based on your energy intake and rate of weight change, regardless of your goals or nutrition targets.

To learn more, check out this article: What Do We Mean When We Call MacroFactor “Adherence Neutral”?

The psychological benefits of this coaching philosophy

MacroFactor’s nutrition coaching fosters and allows for more flexibility and sustainability: You know that closely sticking to your dietary targets is likely to produce the best results, but you also have the leeway to deviate from those targets when you want to or need to, without missing out on valuable coaching feedback.

An adherence-neutral approach doesn’t promote feelings of shame and guilt, and does promote flexible cognitive restraint, which will increase your likelihood of actually attaining high dietary adherence and achieving your goals.

The bottom line: MacroFactor is designed to maximize the likelihood that you’ll achieve your goals and be able to maintain (or build upon) your results. It is one of the only nutrition coach apps that flexibly adapts to your goals and lifestyle, and helps you avoid any unnecessary stress, anxiety, or feelings of shame and guilt.

Reach your diet goals with the smartest nutrition coach app

Get started with your personalized macro plan and weekly check-ins

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