
How Daniel Used MacroFactor to Lose 50lb While Maintaining Muscle

How Daniel Used MacroFactor to Lose 50lb While Maintaining Muscle

Daniel DeBrocke, 34, used MacroFactor to lose 50 pounds and drop body fat while maintaining muscle. Read this case study to learn more about why MacroFactor worked for him, and how he set up his diet in the app.

Daniel DeBrocke, a 34-year-old competitive powerlifter and director of education curriculum at Kabuki Strength, used MacroFactor to lose 50 pounds and drop body fat while maintaining muscle. 

When he downloaded MacroFactor, Daniel weighed about 285 pounds and was ~30% bodyfat. After a slow and steady 8-month cutting diet, he reached his goal of 11% bodyfat at a weight of 235 pounds. 

How Daniel Used MacroFactor to Lose 50lb While Maintaining Muscle

Before trying MacroFactor, Daniel tried several other apps, but was often frustrated by the unverified and inaccurate food entries. 

“When it came to cutting, I found the precision of [other] apps would be way off, which made it difficult to hit the right targets for my calories and macro preferences,” he said. 

MacroFactor’s food database, on the other hand, uses verified food information, so he could trust the accuracy of the foods he log. 

“The precision of everything is the #1 thing I like,” Daniel said. “Every food item can be measured in grams, while other apps only allow certain foods to be measured in cups, oz, etc. … Also, the barcode scanner and accuracy of the caloric density and macro profile is the best I’ve seen by far.”

Daniel also appreciated MacroFactor’s ease of use and customizability. 

“The simplicity, the speed, the accuracy, and ability to individualize things was exponentially better than anything I’ve used, and I’ve used virtually all the available apps at one point in time,” he said.

Daniel shared a few details on how he set up his diet in MacroFactor:

“I follow a calorie cycling approach,” he said. “On my training days, I have higher carbohydrates and lower fat intake. On my recovery days, I have less total calories, lower carbs, and slightly increased fat intake. Protein intake remained high on both days.”

Now that he’s reached his weight loss goal, Daniel’s next goal is to establish maintenance and stabilize his weight. Then, he said he plans to slowly ramp up calories with the long term objective of being 285 pounds at 10-12% bodyfat. 

With MacroFactor, he said “it will be much easier to scale my calories and get massive without getting out of shape.”

Try MacroFactor for yourself with a 7-day free trial

Confidently control your nutrition with MacroFactor, a science-backed diet coach and macro tracker app that empowers you with the tools you need to reach your goals without rigidity. 

You can try it free for 7 days on the App Store or Google Play, or learn more here

Do you have a MacroFactor success story?

We love to learn about, celebrate, and share MacroFactor users’ success. If you’re interested in your story being featured as a MacroFactor case study, you can learn more and submit your story here.

Confidently control your nutrition

Download and start your free trial to get your custom macro plan and food logging access today.

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